Open source ELT tools: A look at different data transformation tools

From dbt to Meltano, here are some open source ELT tools that are relatively easy to set up and use

Posted by Allan Situma on May 21, 2020 · 4 mins read
In the era where artificial intelligence and algorithms make more decisions in our lives and in organizations, the time has come for people to tap into their intuition as an adjunct to today’s technical capabilities. Our inner wisdom can embed empirical data with humanity.― Abhishek Ratna

What is ELT?

ELT stand for 'extract, transform, load'.It is the process a data pipeline uses to get data from a source system e.g. database, loads it into a target system and also performs some transformation on the data. There are tools that can handle the entire ELT process while some just handle one part of the process

This article will focus on tools that enable transformation i.e. the 'T' in the ELT process. We will cover basic introductions but in future provide practical examples

Open Source Data Transformation Tools

Open source data transformation tools are valuable for processing, cleaning, and transforming data to make it suitable for analysis. Here are some popular open source tools used for these purposes:

1. Apache NiFi

Description: An easy-to-use, powerful, and reliable system to process and distribute data.

Features: Web-based user interface, data provenance, extensibility, and security features.

Use Cases: Real-time data ingestion, ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes.

2. Talend Open Studio

Description: A comprehensive suite for data integration, data quality, and big data.

Features: Graphical development environment, over 900 components for connecting to various data sources, support for big data platforms.

Use Cases: Data integration, migration, synchronization.

3. Apache Spark

Description: A unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing.

Features: In-memory computing, support for batch and stream processing, extensive libraries for SQL, machine learning, graph processing.

Use Cases: Big data processing, real-time analytics.

4. Pentaho Data Integration (PDI)

Description: A part of the Hitachi Vantara open source data integration and analytics platform.

Features: Intuitive graphical user interface, robust ETL capabilities, integration with various data sources.

Use Cases: ETL, data warehousing, business intelligence.

5. Kettle (Pentaho Data Integration)

Description: Often simply referred to as Kettle, it's an open-source ETL tool.

Features: Rich graphical user interface, extensive support for various data sources and destinations.

Use Cases: ETL processes, data migration, data cleansing.

6. Apache Flink

Description: A stream processing framework for distributed, high-performing, always-available, and accurate data streaming applications.

Features: Stateful computations over data streams, low-latency processing, exactly-once processing semantics.

Use Cases: Real-time data streaming, event-driven applications.

7. Airbyte

Description: An open-source data integration engine that helps users to consolidate their data in data warehouses, lakes, and databases.

Features: Customizable connectors, scheduling, and monitoring, supports ELT (Extract, Load, Transform) processes.

Use Cases: Data ingestion, pipeline automation.

8. Apache Camel

Description: An open-source integration framework designed to make integrating systems simpler and more maintainable.

Features: Extensive library of connectors, routing and mediation engine, support for enterprise integration patterns.

Use Cases: System integration, data routing and transformation.

9. dbt (data build tool)

Description: An open-source command line tool that helps analysts and engineers transform data in their warehouse more effectively.

Features: SQL-based transformations, version control, documentation generation, testing.

Use Cases: Data transformation, analytics engineering.

10. Luigi

Description: A Python module that helps you build complex pipelines of batch jobs.

Features: Task dependency management, task history tracking, visualization of pipelines.

Use Cases: Data pipeline orchestration, ETL processes.

These tools are widely used in various industries to facilitate data transformation, integration, and processing tasks. Each tool has its strengths, and the best choice depends on the specific requirements of the project and the existing technological ecosystem.

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